
Conference on “the Assessment of China’s low carbon policy in the 12th Five-Year Plan and Suggestions for the 13th Five-Year Plan---- a case study of Chongqing” by the Institute of the Policy

  • 创建时间: 2015-09-16
  • 32492

       On the April 2 afternoon, a conference on “the Assessment of China’s low carbon policy in the 12th Five-Year Plan and Suggestions for the 13th Five-Year Plan---- a case study of Chongqing” was held, which was initiated by professor Tan Xianchun, co-host by the Guangdong Low Carbon and Sustainable Development Research Institute and funded by SPF. More than 20 experts from Tsinghua University, Peking University, and Energy Research Institute of the National Development and Reform Commissions, etc. attended. The conference was presided by the head of the Institute of the Policy, professor Wang Yi.

       Professor Tan Xianchun reported the progress achieved of the project. Other experts thought highly of the results and have proposed some conducive suggestions on the followings: the study object of the influence by the micro and macro low carbon policy, interference factors of the macro-economy and heterogeneity of regions, etc.. Moreover, they all thought that this project will help China with the construction of low carbon policy and the assessment of the performance. Jiang Zhaolisummarized the conclusion of the project and pointed out that further researches should follow because this project will help the better development of the nation and regions in China.