
The 2016 Summer Camp Invitation

  • Created: 2016-04-28
  • 15515

School of Public Policy and Management, School of Intellectual Property and Institute of Policy and Management, UCAS will hold a summer camp for top students in the summer of 2016. The summer camp is to be held for students from different universities to learn more about the field of economics and management and about us. Moreover, we will enroll candidates for our master program from the camp.

The School of Public and Management (SPPM) of University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS) is established under the policy of “School-Institutes Integration” and hosted by Institute of Policy and Management (SPPM) of CAS with the joint efforts of some colleges such as college of Technology of Science of UCAS and some research teams of Institute of Geographic sciences and Natural Resources Research of CAS.

       SPPM has an outstanding team with 29 professors, 31 associate professors, 8 lecturers, 5 post doctors and 3 visiting professors. They are skillful in education, research and consulting and are knowledgeable in such fields as national and regional development strategy, innovative development and reform policies, technological strategy and management, sustainable development and management, resources strategic management, public administration, intellectual property management, innovative approaches and law, etc. SPPM has also been authorized to offer doctoral and master’s program in management science and engineering, and public administration and law respectively.

Moreover, with academic resources integration with IPM, SPPM has constructed a full-fledged network for integrating research and education and connecting with the international academic arena. It is in a close relationship with four national top-level research associations: Chinese Association for Science of Science and S&T Policy, Chinese Society of Optimization, Overall Planning and Economical Mathematics, Chinese Association of Development Strategy Studies, Chinese High-tech Industry Promotion Society; and some influential academic journals: Studies in Science of Science, Science Research Management, Chinese Journal of Management Science, Bulletin of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, etc. What's more, it has signed corporation agreements with some famous research organizations from USA, UK, German, Japan, South Korea, etc. These have made solid foundations for academic exchange and cooperation for SPPM.

We are committed to constructing a comprehensive platform for studying public policy and policy consulting, and cultivating experts, scholars and practitioners of these fields and also leaders of social organizations.

The camp will be open during July 10 to 14 in Beijing. We will have lectures, seminars to enhance mutual understanding and master program candidates will be recommended.


  1. Loyal to the Communist Party of China

  2. Abide by the laws and social morals

  3. College junior students in economics, management, law, public administration, intellectual property majors or related majors;

    Or better capacity in mathematics and strong interest in public administration

  4. To 20% in overall GPA rating of the department or other qualified characteristics

  5. Excellent in English

  6. Good mental and physical health

  • Application Materials

  1. Application form of the 2016 Summer Camp (see the attachment)

  2. Undergraduate transcript

  3. Certificate of CET4, CET6 or any other language qualification certificates

  4. One copy of the honor certificates

  • Application Procedures

    Please mail all the materials required to the following address before July 1st:

ZHANG Gupeng

Zonghe Building 405,Yuquan Road 19A, Shijingshan Zone, Beijing, 100049


       Please make sure that all the materials are enclosed in the envelope and do not hand in fabricated materials.

  • Assessment and Enrollment

The SPPM will be in charge of the assessment and enrollment and about 60 students will be selected to attend the camp. We will inform these students by email before July 5, 2016 and only those selected will receive an email.

  • Expense

    The University of Chinese Academy of Science will cover some fees of the transportation (hard seat ticket of the train or long distance bus fee; the second class ticket of the express train); and

    Free accommodation and meals will also be offered.

    Attached: Application Form for the 2016 summer camp of the SPPM