
High-end Training on “the Assessment on Technology Innovation in Europe” held in UCAS, Yanqi LakeCampus

  • 供稿人:Ma Hui
  • Created: 2016-11-21
  • 20034

        A high-end training on “the Assessment on Technology Innovation in Europe” was cohost by the Institute of Science and Development, CAS and the National Center for Science Technology Evaluation on the 14-18 November in UCAS, Yanqi Lake Campus. The training was organized by the SPPM of UCAS. The director of the National Center for Science Technology Evaluation Wang Ruijun, the Secretary of the Institute of Science and Development, CAS, professor Stefan Kuhlmann from Twente University in Netherland and about 40 trainees from around the country attended.

       The focuses of this training are technology policy, technology development plan, technological plan and research member evaluation. And the training took forms of keynote reports by experts, classical cases study, interchange of international experience and group discussion and learning of trainees, by which they can learn to how to analyze the status quo and trend of technology development, to design evaluation plan and methods, to control quality and write reports.